Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back In Business!

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season and a lovely New Year!
Secondly, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I happily spent the rest of my Peace Corps vacation days on a trip to Germany and Switzerland to see friends and family for the Holidays and New Year. It was heavenly and I got back to Hovd today. But more on that later...
In an effort to catch up on my lack of posting, I'm throwing up two different but interesting bits of media. The first I can't help but laugh at. As Peace Corps reaches its 50th Anniversary, the powers that be have been putting out all sorts of videos and PSA's. Here is one that I found particularly amusing for several reasons.
1. The things that are seemingly absurd in the rest of the world but are completely normal in Peace Corps.
2. The mildly obnoxious feeling I get when mentioning said absurdities to people in the 'outside world'. God, I hope I'm never that guy!
3. The really sweet message of thanks for all Volunteers present and future.

So here goes. Hope you enjoy!

The second bit is less funny and much more Mongolia specific. It's an article that is part of a special series that NPR is doing on Mongolia and addresses the rampant alcoholism throughout the country. I haven't gotten a chance to read any of the other articles in the series but I'm sure they're equally as informative and enlightening. The photographs in this essay are also quite telling. The story focuses on Ulaanbaatar but you see the same things throughout the countryside. Except for I'm pretty sure there are no rehab facilities here.

1 comment:

E in Atlanta said...

WHat a wonderful video!!